Thursday, October 22, 2009


For this entry, we will focus on the day to day basis of our visits to Tuas (Ensure Engineering) to monitor the progress for the construction of the prototype. We worked hand in hand and very closely with the technician as well as the production manager to ensure that the prototype fits all our requirements. Our frequent discussion ranges from raw materials and instrumentation to be used and suggestions raised by the technicians as well as the production manager.


Fig 1a: Propellers from motors of scrapped machines

Fig 2a: Propellers to be mounted as stirrers               

 Fig 3a: Technician and Production Manager

  Fig 4a: Erection of digester's structure

Fig 5a: Technician cutting parts required for fitting of the digester


Fig 1b: installed stirrers & additional container walls 

Fig 2b: Crank of the stirrer

Fig 3b: Transfer valve between two stages
Fig 4b: Structure of methane capture system

Fig 5b: Filter for separating solids and liquids 

Fig 6b: Close up of filter (filters excess liquid from the sludge)

Fig 7b: liquid drain pipe inside the digester, held to the wall.


Fig 1c: Fitting of pressure gauges and thermostat

Fig 2c: the modified thermostat and heating coil

Fig 3c: Side view of incomplete digester prototype with thermostat mounted on the wall.

TO BE CONTINUED in the next entry.


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