The procedures of commissioning are as followed:
1. We contacted the vacuum sludge after waiting for sufficient sludge to accmualate for our run.
2. With aid from the technicians, we connected the vacuum hose from the truck via the appropriate coupling to the loading port. We then opened V2 to allow for loading.
3. We loaded the sludge into the digester until its level is slightly above the highest sampling point. This is known by observing for any sludge coming out from the sampling point.
4. We closed V2 after loading, and collected a sample of the raw sludge from the bottom sampling point of D-1 (the Anaerobic part of the digester)
5. We then leave the anaerobic digestion for 10 days.
An observation of the spot where the raw sludge was spilt after a few days showed a lush spot of plant growth. Overall, alot of coordination and communication was required to enable successful loading.
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